Payments are on the move these days. Whether your business itself goes to meet its customers, such as repair businesses, or if you prefer to meet your customers where they are in your sales floor, there are many benefits to choosing the best mobile POS to meet the needs of your customers. Still, there is more to the decision of “going mobile” than first meets the eye.
Some Mobile POS devices are more, ahem, mobile than others. There are a range of levels of integration, opening you up to many different functionalities. For example, docking stations that allow you to slide in your smart phone and use it as a bar code scanner and more. This type of solution has its benefits, but in the end, it may be more complicated than its benefits are worth. One alternative that is posed by Poynt uses great, function-driven design to eliminate hiccups and offer a machine that does just what you want it to. The Poynt Smart Terminal has a 2-screen design, that is fully integrated, and doesn’t require the purchase of an extra device to run. Poynt also offers a smaller device that is even more mobile, and is perfect for use on the go. This is good, because as the prices of new iPhones rise, it becomes more cost-effective to simply get a dedicated device to take care of your payments, so that you don’t needlessly pay for all the added bells and whistles of the modern smart phone.
One of the biggest differentiators is something that a customer swiping their card won’t even see. Information is stored off of the device, and off-site, which makes the most safety sense. Plus, the mobility of this data ends up being a really good thing for running a business. Other operations in the business that require the data now have easy access to it, whether it be for the purposes of tax time, or for inventory, or for managing your customer relations. If your business has multiple locations, these benefits are made exponential, as the same one solution now opens up that data for use, allowing the business owner to make valuable comparisons, and tailor the operations and offerings to an individual location.
One of the most exciting benefits of choosing the best mobile POS is that, through Moolah, you can get it for free. Signing up for a dedicated merchant account through Moolah has many benefits of its own, but now, in addition, you are able to get a free Poynt Smart Terminal. It’s the quickest and easiest way to set your business off on the right track, and benefit from all the best that mobile payment technology can offer.