When shopping around for the best credit card processing company for small businesses, it can be easy to get distracted by technology. With new products entering the market, both hardware and software, it’s no surprise that the thought of working with people often gets overshadowed by the latest tools that are being offered. Still, as long as business is a people thing, customer service is an essential part of choosing a provider. Here’s why.
Technology is designed to function correctly, without the intervention of people. Still, it’s unrealistic to expect that you’ll never have to troubleshoot a tech solution. When things do go wrong, you’re going to want easy, clearly defined ways of getting in touch with the help you need. This is especially true for small businesses, where, multitasking employees need to solve issues that arise quickly, so the day doesn’t grind to a halt.
Huge companies often offer a wide range of services, in addition to payment processing. That means that when you have a specific problem, you may have to be transferred around to find the help you’re looking for. Moolah is a payment processor. That means we’re dedicated to finding the answer to your questions and capable of helping you at the speed of small business!
Moolah was built to make accepting credit cards easier, for any business, and part of that commitment is to offer the essential connection to a real person when you need help. We’ve been recognized for our excellent phone support, and we also go the extra mile by giving each of our customers a dedicated account rep. That isn’t common for credit card processors.
We also like to think that customer service doesn’t start and end with helping you when you’re in a pinch. Part of a great customer service relationship is being there when you’re getting started with us. With our dedicated account reps, we like to build a relationship, making sure you’re starting out on the right foot with us, and getting everything you need to be successful.
Moolah also make a point to work with partners that share our dedication to customer service. Authorize.Net is one of the industry’s trusted names in payment gateways, and has also been recognized for its ease of customer service. We also offer a Free Poynt Smart terminal when you sign up with us for a dedicated merchant account. Not only are the Moolah team able to help you out with issues that may arise from your Poynt POS; Poynt is also a great team, offering great customer service for ensuring you’re getting the most out of the powerful Poynt Smart Terminal.
In the end, the best credit card processing for small businesses doesn’t come about from the best tech, although that’s a huge part of it. Just as important is the company’s dedication to people-centered solutions. That’s why you can count on the people-centered customer service of Moolah.