Is the way you’re thinking about your consumers outmoded? Are the assumptions on which you’ve built your business strategies no longer relevant? It’s true that some things never change, particularly when it comes to your consumer’s expectations – customers always like to feel heard, and they like to be presented with options. Still, technology has changed certain things about the customer experience, and point of sale technology like the Poynt POS is leading the way.
One thing that has changed in our age of information is that customers are well informed. This is particularly true for tech purchases. Before, the point of reference was the dealer, to whom consumers directed all product related questions. Now, most people do a great deal of research online before they even visit your store to buy the product. You can use this to your advantage, and technology can help you in the form of a CRM. By keeping track of customers, and by using the wealth of accessible tools designed for small businesses, you’ll be pushing ahead faster.
Technology not only allows us to meet our customers where they are figuratively, but with new points of sale that are mobile, like the Poynt POS, you’re actually able to get out from behind the counter and meet them where they are, out on the shop floor. The ability to do this is revolutionary, as it opens you up to way more possibilities of interaction. You can, for instance, while you are chatting about what the customer is looking for, be filling info into your CRM. You can also collect other information, which can inform your decisions up and down your business, from hiring more personnel, to which products to carry next. This data is also the basis of an ongoing relationship with your customers. If you are able to reference the data going forward, you can thereby tailor customer service directly to their situation.
The average customer is more informed, more empowered, and, we think, more willing to interact than ever before. This should not be intimidating at all. Rather, adjust the way you’re reaching out to your customers and meet them where they are—both figuratively and literally. That’s what the new era in transactions and consumer relations is all about.